
Street fighter iii sprites
Street fighter iii sprites

street fighter iii sprites

Dash Forward (frames) / Moving Distance: 17 / 1,5.Kara Throw Range (pixels): 46 / 46 / 38.Held taunt - Increases damage for the next hit/combo or throw by 6.3% per extra arm turn. Unheld taunt - Increases damage for the next hit/combo by 9.4% for the first taunt and 6.3% for each additional taunt. Stun Bar Recovery (frames it takes to recover 1 dot): 23.easy crossup and extended advanced combo target.Too Specific Super Arts Uses, and a bit stock dependant for EX Moves.Had the slowest recovery commands, Flying Chop is the worst command air in game.Incredible EX Moves properties against jumping and projectile spamming opponents.Can combo a Fierce Chop with a back+Fierce or Power Bomb for stun damage.Medium-Heavyweight grappler varied specials.

street fighter iii sprites

While he may not have many combos or offensive mixups, in the right hands, he can bring down his opponents quicker than anyone else in the game. As such, he is a semi-grappler who is both strong and decently swift, has good health and can rack up a lot of stun very quickly, with a breadth of various and unique tools to work with. He wears green overalls, brown combat boots and an identifying red headband.Īs the new main character of Street Fighter at the time, Alex was created to be another well-rounded character like Ryu and Ken, but also original from the Shoto archetype. His appearance slightly mimics that of professional wrestler Hulk Hogan. Alex, who hails from New York, is the main character in the Street Fighter III series.

Street fighter iii sprites